How to take care of your skin

35 year old woman looking like i  her twenties
35 year old woman looking like in her twenties

I just want to share what I have learned so far when it comes to skin care. I’ve come across several articles about taking care of your skin because I have been quite obsessed with having great skin -soft, smooth, no spots, no pimples, no fine lines,– basically a skin that doesn’t need makeup to cover up skin problems. I came up with this: You take care of your skin in two ways, inside and outside. Continue reading “How to take care of your skin”

What is your dream?

dreams and wishes. 62/365
dreams and wishes. 62/365 (Photo credit: ♥)

What most people do in their lives is smooth-sailing through life’s events and as many would call it “go with the flow”. Most people in general, perform their daily routines especially in their jobs and finish each day somewhat feeling incomplete or like something’s missing.

Yes, you could be happy everyday in every small detail happening in your life (that’s not bad at all, you are to be grateful for blessings) but you know deep down that you can even be happier.  Continue reading “What is your dream?”

How to choose the products you use for your body?


It is a common knowledge that we are what we eat so healthy eating has been the trend in our time.  But many of us don’t pay much attention to the ‘other things’ that we put in our bodies.  We simply use products based on the appearance (if the packaging is classy or cute), quantity (the product will be used for a long time so that it will be worth our money or what I would call hype (what advertisements say about tell us) or many other reasons.

We use loads of products in our homes, from soaps we wash our skin with to the toothpaste we brush our teeth with, the makeup we put in our face and all the household cleaning products that we inhale some from it. Little did we bother to know what ingredients in the products we use are safe and unsafe for human use.

Continue reading “How to choose the products you use for your body?”

Why I got into Network Marketing?


I could have never known what I was missing. It was great when things turned up the way that helped me understand better.

It was in the year 2010 where I first paid some attention in network marketing. I still had the mindset that all network marketing companies are the same.  Why did I try to look at this company?

Honestly, it was because my brother is in this company and told me that they have great organic products. I also really wanted to try out organic products but they are so expensive for me. Luckily, the organic soaps (from the company) were somewhat affordable. I really liked the soaps even without my brother telling me so. Since I really liked the products, I asked my brother whether I could sign up as a member to get discounts in purchasing products. So I signed up as a distributor just for the products and nothing else.

I have heard a lot of ‘networking’ companies before, where you pay an amount for registration to start the business, but I didn’t make an effort to know more about it.  However, this company was different from the “NETWORKING MARKETING COMPANIES”.

Continue reading “Why I got into Network Marketing?”